
Form 6 Scholarships at Kamuzu Academy

Students may apply to join Form 6 both from within the Academy and from other schools, as long as they meet the basic entry requirements of an A*- C grade in English Language and Mathematics, in addition to at least four other A*- C grades. Students should have achieved A*- B grades in the 3 subjects which they wish to study at A level.

Scholarships for Academic Excellence at IGCSE

Students who achieve outstanding grades (A*and A) at IGCSE and who wish to study A levels at the Academy are eligible for Scholarships, which provide them with reduced school fees. this applies to students from other schools as well as those who took their IGCSEs at the Academy.

  • 6 A*/A grades – 10% reduction in school fees
  • 7 A*/A grades – 15% reduction in school fees
  • 8 A*/A grades – 20% reduction in school fees
  • 9 A*/A grades – 35% reduction in school fees
  • 10 A*/A grades – 40% reduction in school fees

These scholarships are awarded to all eligible students, who present evidence of their IGCSE grades.

Scholarships for Elite Sports

Students who can demonstrate sustained performance at elite level are eligible for a scholarship of up to 50% reduction in school fees. Students should have represented their school in a number of sports for a sustained period or competed in sports ata national or international level.

To find out more information about how to apply for an Elite Sports Scholarship please email:

Scholarships for Outstanding Character

Students who have demonstrated outstanding character in their Leadership, Resilience, Responsibility, Community and over a sustained period of time, can apply for a Scholarship for Outstanding Character.

To find out more information about how to apply for a Scholarship for Outstanding Character please email:

University Scholarships open to students from Kamuzu Academy
  1. Phyllis Barclay-Smith CBE Memorial Scholarship
  2. The “Barclay-Smith Scholarship” is awarded to eligible students at Gonville and Caius College, at Cambridge University in the UK. Any student from Malawi who is offered a place to study at the college will be considered for this prestigious scholarship, which is only open to Malawian students. It is a fully funded scholarship covering full tuition fees and living expenses.

    In order to be considered, you must apply through the normal UCAS route for applications to UK universities and include Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge in your choices. There are no restrictions on the subjects you choose to study, as long as it is offered at Cambridge University.

    Walinase Chinula is the only student from Kamuzu Academy to have secured the Barclay-Smith scholarship in recent years. She went up to Gonville & Caius in 2014 to read Law. She graduated in 2018 and became associate partner at Savjani & Co. (Blantyre). She was called to the Malawi bar by her father, who is also a lawyer. In 2022 she returned to academia to read for her Masters in Law at the University of Leeds.

    In 2002 Heather Katsonga-Phiri secured the scholarship to read Economics. She has pursued a career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs and is now a financial consultant and published author.

    For further details see:

  3. Needs-Blind Scholarships at Universities in the USA
  4. Many American universities operate a “Needs Blind” approach to awarding scholarships to students, including prestigious universities such as Yale. When you apply to these universities you are asked to complete details of your family circumstances. If you are offered a place to study there, the university will provide you with the necessary financial support to enable you to take up the place, if your family are unable to support you. This could mean that the university will meet all your fees and provide you with a generous living allowance, including paying for travel.

    See Mr Hewitt for further details.

  5. Chinese Government Scholarships for Malawian Students
  6. The Chinese Government has for several years offered generous scholarships to students to study at Chinese universities. There are a number of criteria which applicants must meet, however the most important is that they should have passed the Chinese language examinations at Level 3. A number of students from Kamuzu Academy have benefitted from these scholarships in the past.

    If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships please see Mr Kamsesa as he is available to help you study for the language tests – but you will need to give yourself plenty of time to reach the required level and be committed to the task.

    In addition, Mr Kamsesa can tell you about living and studying at a Chinese university, as he was awarded a Chinese Government Scholarship to study his degree in China.

  7. Nottingham Trent University Scholarship
  8. In 2022 Nottingham Trent University in the UK awarded their first scholarship for students from Kamuzu Academy.

    See Mr Hewitt to find out more about this scholarship.

Partner 1
Partner 2


  • Kamuzu Academy
  • Private Bag 1
  • Mtunthama
  • Kasungu
  • Malawi.
  • +(265)111 259 288
  • +(265)111 659 264