The Academy has excellent teaching and learning facilities. Subjects are taught in dedicated classrooms which can accommodate up to 30 students. All our classrooms are equipped with modern whiteboards and data projectors. There are specialist rooms for practical and creative subjects including Art, Music and Food & Nutrition. We also have well equipped workshops where we teach Engineering and Design & Technology and two Computing network rooms with 30 PCs in each room. Our seven Science laboratories are equipped to teach Chemistry, Biology or Physics and we are currently in the early stages of a project to construct two new state of the art Chemistry labs. In addition the school hall, “The Auditorium”, has a stage used for theatrical productions and the Library has extensive book collections across two floors, study desks for Sixth formers, a junior reading section and computers for research.

The Dining Hall
The dining hall, an imposing structure dawned with graceful arches like all the other buildings, can accommodate over 600 students for meals. With its well aerated interior bounded by thick and stable walls, the dining hall has stood the test of time.

It’s uses include accommodating people for breakfast starting at 6 am, lunch at noon and supper from 5 pm, besides tea and snacks. Headmaster’s lunch is served on Wednesdays. On these days, the Headmaster sits with the Headboy and Headgirl together with head of houses. It is a time of interaction and a token of appreciation for the work the prefects do. This is a privilege accorded only to the leading prefects.
But the hall is grander during Christmas dinners, unintentionally decorated in the students’ green and gold uniform. In all these, the dining hall has served for generations, some members of whom now belong to the ages because their memories will last due to their documented outstanding achievements of national and/or international interest.
The Clinic
The clinic, which is as old as the Academy, was established to serve students and staff of Kamuzu Academy. It is probably the cleanest place in all the Academy.

Bed Capacity
The clinic has 4 general wards, 2 for males and 2 for females. Each ward has a bed capacity of 4, which gives a total of 16 beds. Besides these, the clinic has four isolation wards, two on each side. This means that the total bed capacity is 20.
Other facilities
It has its own mini operating theatre with oxygen concentrator, oxygen cylinders, surgical instruments, mini sterilizing machine, operation bed and a functional operating light. However, only minor surgical cases are conducted here. There is also a drug store with properly fixed shelves. This is where essential and non-essential drugs are kept. Some surgical instruments and laboratory material are also kept here.
The clinic personnel include one Clinical Officer, one Matron, three nurses , five ward attendants and one visiting laboratory technician. Most of these people are resident on campus in houses almost a stone-throw away east of the clinic, just across the ring road.
Kamuzu Academy Library
Welcome to Kamuzu Academy Library, a Model of the Library of Congress in Washington DC.
A purpose - built library and inaugurated by His Excellency Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda and Founder of Kamuzu Academy on 21st November, 1981. It is a two story library. The ground floor houses the reference library and the top floor houses the lending library. The Library contains over 25,000 volumes. In addition to these in-house resources, students have access to exceptional online databases and Internet. Within the library there is a Malawiana and archive room, audio-visual room and two class-size study rooms which are also used for teaching. The library provides a serene and conducive academic environment for individualised and group study.
Our Mission
The avowed mission of the Library is to support a curriculum-based instruction by encouraging academic excellence in providing service and instruction to the school community to ‘educate the whole person.
Our Goal
Our goal is to collaborate with faculty in designing learning opportunities with resources, information and technology, and to promote effective determined users of ideas and information.
Weekdays | 7.30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. |
Weekends | 8.00 a.m. to 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m |
Public Holidays | 8.00 a.m. to 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m |
- Form 1-2 students = 3 tickets each.
- Form 3-4 students = 4 tickets each.
- Form 5-6 students = 6 tickets each.
- Teachers = 10 tickets each.
- All tickets issued are the responsibility of the student. Any loss should be reported to library staff immediately to prevent someone else from using the ticket(s).
- Damaged tickets will be replaced immediately on surrender of the damaged ticket(s).
- Students loan period =14 days
- Staff loan period =1 term
- After a loan period, books can be renewed unless another borrower has reserved the book/material
- Students returning books after the date due will not be allowed to renew the loan. Persistent lateness in returning books may lead to the loss of some library privileges.
- If the books are not returned within the specified time, a fine will be charged.
- The Librarian may call for a book at any time, even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
- Reference books and archival materials will not be issued out to any member. These are consulted only in the library.
- Newspapers, other periodicals and all reference books are available for use downstairs only.
- Books on short loan can only be used in the library and overnight in the hostels after 5.30 p.m. They must be returned the following morning at 7.30 a.m.
- Students must at all times observe and maintain silence in the library and its environs. "
- When leaving the library, chairs must be pushed under the table without creating noise.
- Food and drinks (including chewing gum and sweets) are not allowed in the library.
- Students should neither run nor stamp their feet but walk quietly.
- Students must ensure that they are appropriately dressed. Any student deemed inappropriately dressed will be asked to leave the library.
- Students must leave bags, cases, folders, etc. in the luggage area, in front of the Circulation desk.
- Students shall not obtain or use a library card under false pretences. No student is supposed to check-out or check-in a book using someone else’s card/ticket.
- Students are not allowed to leave their baggage overnight within the library. The library shall not take any responsibility for the loss of personal property or books already signed out to a student.
- Students are required to show all items to the library staff at the Circulation desk before leaving the library. Students must comply with any request of the library staff to examine books, folders, cases, and files.
- Student(s) caught marking, defacing, or mutilating books or any other library material, including graffiti on furniture, will be expected to pay for the material.
- Theft of library materials will lead to serious disciplinary action.
- Students must observe good order and decorum in the library at all times; for example, placing feet on the furniture, sleeping, etc., is not allowed.
- Library equipment may not be moved, modified, or tampered with without permission from the librarian.
- Seats in the library may not be reserved.
- Students are not allowed to re-shelf books after removing them from the shelf. They should leave the books on the tables or study carrels after use.
- Students are not allowed to borrow books on behalf of others or transfer borrowed materials to other students.
- Students must observe and follow entrance and exit points.
- Students may not take unissued library books, periodicals, or reference books into the classrooms (Room 37 & 38) in the library.
- Students are reminded that the library is a place for learning and study. Any student disturbing others may be asked to leave the building, and further disciplinary action will be taken.
- Student(s) will be held responsible for any damage or loss of library materials in their possession and will be required to meet the cost of replacement.
- Students must ensure that the books they borrow are in good condition to avoid being held responsible for any damages noted while returning the books.
- Lost books must be reported to the librarian immediately and replaced or paid for within 30 days.
- In case the book(s) are misused, wrongly handled, or lost, the person concerned will have to replace the book or pay the current market price of the book.
- Use of sound equipment like radios, Bluetooth speakers, cell phones, beepers, etc. is strictly prohibited in the library and its environs.
- No call should be made or received in the library. Library staff have the power to confiscate any gadget in use.
- Library computers are for academic purposes only. Do not tamper with the computer settings. Follow the internet safety guidelines.
- Students may use their personal laptops only for academic purposes.
- In case of need, limited photocopies of the relevant material can be made available.
- Students are to safeguard access to e-resources by not sharing their username and password.
- Users may download or quote a limited amount of information with proper acknowledgment.