Lower School

Students in Forms 1 to 3 study a broad and balanced curriculum covering a wide range of academic and practical subjects, including English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Latin, Greek, French, Chinese, Art, Music, Food&Nutrition, Design & Technology, ICT and Physical Education. Some of these subjects are taught in rotation, reducing the total number of subjects being taught at any one time.

English, Maths and Science are assessed by CIE CheckPoint Examinations at the end of Form 3.

During Form 3 students and their parents are provided with information about the IGCSE subject options choices, which they will begin to study in Form 4.

Partner 1
Partner 2


  • Kamuzu Academy
  • Private Bag 1
  • Mtunthama
  • Kasungu
  • Malawi.
  • +(265)111 259 288
  • +(265)111 659 264
  • headmaster@ka.ac.mw