Music Department hosted a Brass Band Workshop

Music Department hosted a Brass Band Workshop Music Department hosted a Brass Band Workshop Music Department hosted a Brass Band Workshop Music Department hosted a Brass Band Workshop

The Music Department hosted a Brass Band Workshop during the long weekend of 2nd to 4th March 2024. The workshop was facilitated by 6 expert musicians from Malawi Police and Salvation Army Brass Bands, and coordinated by the Kamuzu Academy Director of Music, Mr. Donald Kaluwile.  Participants to this workshop were 26 Kamuzu Academy students, most of them complete beginners.

The training went on very smoothly and the students really enjoyed every moment of their new musical experience.  They learnt the basic scales, arpeggios and a few beginner music pieces on various woodwind and brass instruments namely flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, euphonium and tuba. The objective of the workshop was to train more students in order to join the orchestra, where their tender skills shall be nurtured and developed further for concert performances. We also hope to have a larger marching band.

We would like to thank the Headmaster for allowing the workshop to take place and the Deputy headmasters for their support. The support staff had also been extremely cooperative especially the Catering Department, which had been preparing nice refreshments to keep the energy levels high as blowing of instruments tend to be so exhausting. The parents/guardians too played a great role by supporting their wards financially to attend the workshop and some of them purchased the musical instruments for their wards.  We would also like to thank the students themselves for their discipline and hard work during the workshop and the facilitators for tireless effort to impart the young students with so much musical knowledge. With all these coordinated efforts and teamwork, we are sure to have a bigger brass band section of the orchestra, and a spectacle of a massive matching band on Prize-giving and Founder’s Day Functions.


Donald Kaluwile

Director of Music

Partner 1
Partner 2


  • Kamuzu Academy
  • Private Bag 1
  • Mtunthama
  • Kasungu
  • Malawi.
  • +(265)111 259 288
  • +(265)111 659 264